TWIT: BIKAIRI / CUTEAMV BLOG: BICHOSIS / SHOJOFRUITThis isn't a callout. This isn't a call to action or blocking or deplatforming. We have seen peach in drama. We have no desire for this to hit the main timeline and open everyone already hurt by this up to worse harrassment. This is to be shared personally among locked accounts to explain things the person who linked this may be uncomfortable talking about.We just want to explain why so many people who had defended faer for so long cut all ties in the space of seven days. This isn't coherently organized. We've tried to get screenshots in date order, for lack of a better sorting method. This explanation contains mentions of attack on titan, and a brief discussion of polyfragmentation.ANTISEMITISM (screenshots)LYING (screenshots + testimony)ABLEISM (screenshots + testimony)TRANSMISOGYNY (testimony)CONCLUSION (screenshots + explanation)Peach has done other things we're uncomfortable with, but they were things we gave fae the benefit of the doubt on when we were friends, and have only revoked it now that faer other lies have come to light. We have no way to know if they were manipulative or genuine, and don't want to muddy things.UPDATE SHE'S FAKING A SYSTEM NOW, HAVING "DISCOVERED" 20 AUTONOMOUS ALTERS W PERFECT COMMUNICATION IN THE LAST MONTH & FULLY REMAKING TO AOT TWITTER (one of whom is modelled exactly after our friend mimi, down to branding on misa amane and using the 🍉 emoji her gf uses for her, which is just creepy but unshocking since peach did the same thing to mimi when she first bounced. how down do you have to be to be jealous of a polyfrag cult victim because people cared about when you consistently disregarded her boundaries? you weird bitch.) (update: see final page)

LYING.Peach was friends with some of us before 2019. We found this out at the end of the year, but chronologically it belongs at the top. Fae blocked those of us who knew faer in the past because faer boyfriend didn't like us. Fae has been very open about this, and apologized for it. Fae has been lying to faer new friends and claiming we cut faer off with no warning.

Fae had been behaving in clear red flag ways ("giving away" important belongings, talking about how fae was unwelcome and would not be missed) all across faer qp's birthday weekend. Some of faer partners pointed this out. Fae denied it, but went on to talk on priv about how fae did want to attempt. Pepper is the qp fae went to live with that month.

When Pepper's parents began to pressure her to have Peach move out, because fae hadn't contributed to the house or gotten a job in the months fae was there, fae began to spiral. Faer partners contacted one another to plan to press faer into going to hospital. It was not a punishment. Everyone involved wanted to see Peach in a safe situation. Everyone was scared to find out how bad it had gotten. Everyone was scared of how fae would respond.

Fae led us to believe that faer housing options were an abusive mother or an unsafe grandparent. Fae e-begged for faer phone bill every month, and often took donations from those of us who were e-begging themselves or otherwise below the poverty line. Fae often talked about being unable to get medical help. While in the hospital, faer partners in the Bearline contacted faer father for faer health insurance, and multiple local aid organizations to try and secure stable housing and access to continued medical care. We were all led to believe that fae had no other options.

ANTISEMITISM.Peach condemns AOT frequently on faer blog, as well as people excusing bigoted media like HP with "it's my hyperfixation". The following screenshots are from faer kin twitter, which fae promoted frequently on other timelines, or from DMs fae sent to a groupchat fae shared with KEROPPI (who was dating Peach at the time, and is Jewish). The "Minnie" in faer bio on main is from arMIN.

THE SYSTEM THINGExplained at the end better, here is Peach's "Minnie" fictive.

SYSTEM ABLEISM.Some time at the end of Feb, the polyfragmented system fae was dating broke up with her. The screenshots below are posted with permission. All we can add to this is that these issues were long-discussed, frequently brought up to faer in private and in public, and that fae agreed that these were reasonable boundaries. Fae actually asked some of faer friends to not put up certain kin icons in faer view, and was hurt when ignored, so fae somewhat understands the harm that unexpected derealization can do.

Fae did not stop doing this. In the last week we were close, fae was still using and promoting accounts with layouts that ignored faer ex-partner's boundaries. This is especially bad, because when fae first left our friend group in 201X, fae intentionally put up icons of that system's sexual trauma holder to spite them if they saw faer. Fae has resumed RTing art of that character since we cut faer off. If you're bitter that a CSA victim formed introjects of a famous abuse victim to better survive their own abuser, there's no cure for you.

TRANSMISOGYNYThis section contains no screenshots to protect the trans woman Peach lived with for 4 months. You're welcome to ignore this section if the lack of screenshots is an issue. I hope the antisemitism and lies stand on their own regardless.Peach's qp, Pepper, is transfem. She lives in a transphobic house in a transphobic state with unsafe parents. Believing Peach to be at-risk, she convinced her family to let faer stay in their spare room for a month or two while fae searched for a job and housing. She used a lot of her goodwill with them to do this.Peach spent 4 months in her house. Fae did not look for a job. Fae did not help out in lieu of rent. Fae skipped meals Pepper's mother made for her, ate food prep ingredients without telling anyone, and frequently ordered takeout. Fae called Pepper the f slur in earshot of her mother. When fae was hospitalized, fae left faer stuff at Pepper's house and dodged questions about when fae would pick it up.Pepper has PTSD from an abuser who staged suicide attempts when they were together. Peach knew about this. Peach put Pepper on sharp objects watch in her home for two days before going to hospital, despite what we now know about faer father being willing to pay for it.In addition to a bad history with transmisogynistic treatment of characters (calling Astolfo from fate a janegirl, running a spn sideblog and frequently describing the violent hypermasculine misogynist men in it as butch lesbians — both for kin reasons, but harmful in any regard from a TME person) Peach treated the trans woman closest to her incredibly poorly. Pepper's living situation has taken a sharp downturn specifically because Peach was so rude while in her house, and she's lost a lot of valuable trust from her parents because she vouched so heavily for someone who used them.Since being cut off, fae has typed up a guide to a VN (that Pepper read out loud to faer in person) which rips off the youtube video guide Pepper made to it weeks previously. This is petty, but it speaks to a pattern of entitlement to faer ex and her work. Youtube is 100% of Pepper's source of income right now.

WHY NOW?While fae was in hospital, faer Jewish partner, and faer polyfrag ex, and everyone else fae had been hurting opened up about how bad things had been for them. We had forgiven a lot of boundary oversteps and pushes and odd behaviors and hurtful actions, all the while thinking that fae was doing faer best to survive in a bad situation and needed those unhealthy or harmful coping mechanisms to stay alive. We wanted to help fae raise the money for a passport (that faer fiance had already sent), and for medical care and a safe home. We didn't know that fae had options. We didn't know how many boundaries fae had ignored. We all individually thought that we were doing something wrong.The screenshot below is from the post-breakup letter fae wrote on faer personal blog.

THE SYSTEM THINGI'm going to paste photos of something I said on tumblr rather than try to reword it, sorry. Beneath that are dated screenshots of when everyone cut Peach off VS when Peach made a joke on their new system tumblr about littles seeing porn.